Friday, December 28, 2007

Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks is a TV series from the 90's which more or less revolutionized how TV shows were to be made.It was a soap opera on one level but at the same time it had some lovecraftian elements which were unheard of until this show came out.It for the first time introduced on the small screen the now often used concept of "Peaceful small town,where nothing is as it seems".The enthusiastic and jolly character of protagonist Agent Cooper was a welcome change from brooding dark heroes.But most of all this show would not have been what it was if not for the now famous director David Lynch.His surreal elements, especially during the dream sequences of agent cooper were which made the show that interesting.

The premise of the show was about the murder of the homecoming queen of the relatively peaceful small town of Twin Peaks.The protagonist FBI Agent Dale Cooper starts the investigation with Zen Buddhist methods and dream interpretation.The weird agent although seems a bit unbalanced to the townsfolk accepts him mostly because they are weird in their own way.The relatively innocent victim Laura Palmer seems to be more than what every body else thinks just like Twin Peaks.The investigation moved onto two seasons although the mystery was solved in the middle of the second season.Which might be what was responsible for the cancellation of the series.Another unique aspect of the show was that every episode was considered to be a day in the series's time line.But it was canceled without showing a resolution for the storyline.

It was first broadcast on April 8, 1990 on ABC and the last of the 30 episode run was broadcast on June 10, 1991.It was canceled at the end of it's second season with a cliffhanger ending.

It was melodramatic and the jokes were in the league of a ten year old.But it still had that certain small town charm to it.Of course the weirdness helped a lot also.

The prequel was a disappointment to the TV show fans because it was a regular surreal feature film of David Lynch.It gave rise to more questions than the solutions provided.

Anyway I would highly recommend the show to anybody

The following is a trailer of that great and weird show!!!!!

Twin Peaks